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Survey - AB/DL Practices - 0 - the Basics

Sections: Basics - media (texts) - partners - coming out (texts) - needing diapers (texts) - significant others (texts)

Edit 10 December 2016: These results have been updated per the tenth year standards update.

This part of the survey covered some basics, mainly for use when interpreting the rest of the survey results. These included sex and birthyear.

Edit 15 May 2019: Questions 1 and 2 offered participants the options of providing a nickname and email address, respectively. This information, initially kept confidential, was later deleted to fully anonymize the results.

One question that was problematic was #3. It asked participants to choose a category based on their interests, and many participants had a broad range of interests. For example, some ABs have developed an interest in caregiving. These interests are clearly not mutually exclusive. However, it was necessary to survey which was the surveyee's most important interest. The following clarification was offered shortly after the survey started:

For those who are both AB/DLs and caregivers: Please answer question #3 based which you have had the most interest in, which you have had the strongest desire to be. If you have been equally interested in caregiving and being an AB/DL, please select 'other' above. This question will be expanded upon by two other questions, later in this survey. One will explore your willingness to serve in a role that isn't the one that you are most interested in. The other will explore what role you generally end up in. For example, these three questions will record how many want to be caregivers, how many are willing to be caregivers, and how many usually are caregivers. (Clarification added 7/15/09)

3) Based on your interests, do you consider yourself a: (Please select the best fit.)

N=893 % Option
1 165 18% Diaper Lover (DL) only (loves diapers, but not roleplay)
2 272 30% mostly DL but sometimes AB
3 147 16% equally AB and DL
4 103 12% mostly AB but sometimes DL
5 132 15% Adult Baby (AB) only (loves roleplay, generally including diapers)
6 17 2% mommy/daddy/caregiver
7 3 0% the partner of an AB/DL
8 2 0% non-AB/DL ageplayer
9 2 0% non-AB/DL BDSM enthusiast
10 2 0% the partner of a non-AB/DL ageplay or BDSM enthusiast
11 48 5% Other: (input area provided)

"Other" responses for question #3:

4)Are you...
(Please only include gender preference as an adult, as opposed to when playing a baby, etc.)

N=888 % Option
1 727 82% Male
2 89 10% Female
3 31 3% Male Transvestite (dresses as an adult woman)
4 21 2% Male to Female Transsexual
5 1 0% Female Transvestite (dresses as an adult man)
6 5 1% Female to Male Transsexual
7 2 0% Biologically intersexed
8 12 1% Other: (input area provided)

"Other" responses for question #4:

5)What is your sexual orientation? (Please answer based on your sexual preferences.)

N=893 % Option
1 462 52% Heterosexual
2 134 15% Between Heterosexual and Bisexual, or Bi leaning toward heterosexual
3 90 10% Bisexual
4 55 6% Between Homosexual and Bisexual, or Bi learning toward homosexual
5 88 10% Homosexual
6 32 4% Solo (sexual): Even if I could have my choice of partners, I'd masturbate, etc., alone.
7 32 4% Asexual: I don't desire any form of sexual expression at any time.

6)In what year were you born? (YYYY)

N % Option
1 0% 1925 - 1929
1 0% 1930 - 1934
3 0% 1935 - 1939
9 1% 1940 - 1944
26 3% 1945 - 1949
52 6% 1950 - 1954
70 8% 1955 - 1959
63 7% 1960 - 1964
71 8% 1965 - 1969
81 9% 1970 - 1974
75 8% 1975 - 1979
138 15% 1980 - 1984
226 25% 1985 - 1989
81 9% 1990 - 1994

Basics - media (texts) - partners - coming out (texts) - needing diapers (texts) - significant others (texts)

Email BitterGrey[mail] Last Update: 15 May 2019| First Posted 3 Aug 2011

Do you have Questions, tips, suggestions, or other feedback?

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