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Tenth Year Standards Update

By B. Terrance Grey

Part of the Survey Project at Understanding.Infantilism.Org

The AB/DL Survey Project started in 2006, now ten years ago. To date, several papers have been published to the website, and one paper is being developed for submission to a medical journal. Scientists outside the project have also been able to draw from this effort to aid in their own research, further broadening the understanding of infantilism.

The transition towards a more academic audience has brought with it a different set of conventions and standards. As a result, it seems fitting to make the following updates.

  1. Modifying papers to better comply with the APA style guide, for example, to have an unlabeled Introduction section, mutually exclusive correct usage of that and which, etc. Additional formatting changes to better comply with the 290-page style guide may be made without additional notification. The papers will deviate from the style guide where beneficial, such as linking to survey questions.
  2. Updating preliminary papers with final data. Two preliminary papers, "The Range Between AB and DL" and "Mapping Paraphilic Infantilism and Diaper Fetishes", will be updated to reflect the final data of the first survey.
  3. Deleting data from potential minors; including those who did not complete the question on birth year, or who might have been minors based on birth year and response submission year. This also required a re-filtering of duplicate submissions, after purging data from potential minors: The previous filtering removed duplicates, leaving one submission and favoring the more complete submission. Simply purging data from potential minors might eliminate that remaining submission. As a result, it was necessary to re-include duplicates, delete data from potential minors, and then re-filter for duplicates. A third preliminary paper, which focused on the difference among AB/DLs by birth year, was significantly affected, and has been taken down.
  4. Using a paper-based criteria for exclusion of partially complete responses. Previously, partial responses were included in results if the question(s) relevant to a particular plot or calculation were complete. This made preliminary calculations straightforward, but resulted in slight changes of sample size within a paper. Excluding responses that are missing answers to any of the questions relevant to the paper will permit a constant sample size within papers.
  5. Switching mainly from the binomial test to the more conventional chi-square tests for significance testing. In addition to being the more often used test in practice, the chi-square tests are able to handle tables, unlike the binomial test. For statistically significant contrasts, the chi-square and the two-tailed binomial test generally gives similar results. The prior papers typically used single-tailed binomial tests, so the alphas will typically double, e.g. from .01 to .02. The Benjamini-Hochberg procedure will be used for post hoc tests. The overall effect will be more conservative tests for significance. (Edit: Due to the more conservative tests, and the reduced sample size from the changes above, a number of observations ceased to be significant. They have generally been cut from the papers and a note was added to the papers to record the change.)
  6. Replacing 3D bar charts with 2D charts for improved clarity. The 4D disc plots (e.g. from "Mapping Paraphilic Infantilism and Diaper Fetishes") will be retained until a means of clearly representing the 4D data in a 2D format becomes available. Bars to indicate the standard error will be added where appropriate.
  7. Manual cleanup of submissions.
  8. Standardizing around percent (number), e.g. 22% (237), as a format for presenting results in text.

The impact of these updates to specific papers will be detailed in notes added to the papers.

Email BitterGrey[mail] Last Update: 22 Jan 2017| First: 22 Nov 2016

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