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Survey - AB/DL Odds and Ends part 3

Sections: Survey #4 part 1 - 2 - help - 3 - 4 - practices - favorites

Edit 1 Jan 2017: These results have been updated per the 2016 standards updates, and to remove an additional, duplicate submission..

This section will explore how being an AB/DL fits in with the rest of our lives. It will include questions on affected non-AB/DL activities, what AB/DL things we do outside, etc.

25)Does wearing diapers or being an AB/DL limit your other activities? Please choose the best match.

N=678 % Option
1 272 40% No, there was never a conflict.
2 184 27% No, I've adapted my other activities around being an AB/DL.
3 104 15% No, with other obligations, I barely have the opportunity to do anything AB/DL.
4 105 15% Yes, I need to balance between the two.
5 13 2% Yes, I often have to skip other activities because of being an AB/DL.

26)Have you discussed your AB/DL interests with a counselor, therapist, or other mental health professional?

N=679 % Option
1 339 50% No - I haven't seen one.
2 148 22% No - I have seen one (or more), but didn't discuss it.
3 100 15% Yes - I was seeing one for another reason.
4 37 5% Yes - I chose to see one because of my interests.
5 55 8% Yes - family/spouse/etc wanted me to see one because of my interests.

27)If you have, was it helpful? Please skip this question if you answered "No" to question #26.

N=678 % Option
1 36 5% Very helpful
2 61 9% somewhat helpful
3 79 12% no effect
4 9 1% hurtful
7 6 1% very hurtful
  487 72% (Skipped: Not applicable per Q26)

28)Select the things that you do in public sometimes or often. Please mark one or more boxes.

N Option
546 Wear diapers
468 Wet diapers
109 Mess diapers
206 Carry a bag with diapers, changing supplies, etc.
67 Use a pacifier
52 Use a bottle or sippy cup
64 Wear shortalls, snapsuits, etc.
37 Wear childish dresses, gowns, etc.
37 Wear sleepers
75 Carry a stuffed animal
67 Other:

Responses for 'other' included:

29)If you wear or use diapers, how do you feel about the risk that others might notice?

N=673 % Option
1 199 30% I don't enjoy any risk of exposure.
2 210 31% I sometimes enjoy a risk of exposure.
3 162 24% I'd prefer that no one knew, but don't really care.
4 54 8% I don't care who knows.
5 24 4% I'd prefer everyone knew, all else being equal.
6 24 4% I don't wear or use diapers. (skip question #30)

30)If you wear or use diapers, how hard do you think it would be for others to notice? Please select the best fit.

N=6669 % Option
1 115 17% No one can tell.
2 390 58% They could tell if they really tried.
3 94 14% Not really hidden, but overlookable if they didn't want to know.
4 44 7% It is kind of obvious.
5 2 0% I don't wear or use diapers.
  24 4% (Skipped: Not applicable per Q29)

"When we're young we want to get away, when we're old we want to go back,
and we spend our lives replacing all the things we leave behind."
-Mel Tillis, "Southern Rains"

Survey #4 part 1 - 2 - help - 3 - 4 - practices - favorites

Email BitterGrey[mail] Last Update: 1 Jan 2017| First Posted 23 Sept 2013

Do you have Questions, tips, suggestions, or other feedback?

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