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Survey - AB/DL Odds and Ends - Ways to Help

Sections: Survey #4 part 1 - 2 - help - 3 - 4 - practices - favorites

Edit 1 Jan 2017: This page was updated as part of the tenth year standards update.

24)What could be done to help make growing up easier for today's young AB/DLs? (optional)

The AB/DLs growing up today will face different challenges than previous generations. Question #24 hoped to gather thoughts on how they could be helped.

Some of the responses below were written to young AB/DLs. Others were written to the communities and cultures. They are grouped by apparent topic, and this might imply an audience that was not intended by the surveyee.

In addition to the cultural transitions, many jurisdictions impose a form of statutory isolation on young AB/DLs. At the start of data collection for this survey, ADISC.org had active forums where teens could connect with other teens. By the end of data collection, it had understandably transitioned to excluding all teens from all forums. As a result, the responses below both praise ADISC.org for being inclusive, and criticize it for being exclusive.

Another website which was mentioned in multiple responses is Understanding.Infantilism.Org. Making the lives of all AB/DLs easier is one of the website's main goals. However, it was also the website hosting the survey, so a bias might be expected.

The presentation below is a non-scientific subsample. Some responses with multiple points were divided so that the points could be grouped by topic. Some texts trimmed for focus. Vague or largely overlapping answers were omitted. Any references to illegal or medically unsafe practices were also omitted.



Counselors and other professionals

Diapers, Etc.

Nothing/I Don't Know


Sex Ed

Getting Better


The Internet


Not Alone








Email BitterGrey[mail] Last Update: 1 Jan 2017| First 23 Sept 2013

Do you have Questions, tips, suggestions, or other feedback?

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