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AB/DL Survey #1 Part 6 & 7 Results

Sections: Survey #1 part 1 - 2 - joys - 3 - events - 4 - messages - 5 - 6 & 7

Edit 5 December 2016: These results have been updated per the tenth year standards update.

Part 6 - Sex and Fetishes

Questions # 32-35

32)In your fantasies, games, and scenes, sex (masturbation, intercourse, etc)...

N=1457 % Option
1 568 39%... is present and unrestricted.
2 414 28%... is present but moderated. For example, masturbation but no intercourse.
3 88 6%... is present except when in caregiver/child roleplay.
4 106 7%... is present except when in the child is regressed/ in a child or baby-like headspace.
5 152 10%... is never involved.
6 129 9%I don't have ageplay or ABDL games, scenes, or fantasies.

33)Do you find diapers sexually stimulating?

N=1470 % Option
1 890 61%yes
2 426 29%sometimes
3 89 6%rarely
4 65 4%no

34)Could you imagine a woman or man that was more sexually arousing to you than a diaper?

N=1471 % Option
1 871 59%Yes
2 438 30%Maybe about the same, but not more arousing
3 162 11%No

35)Could you imagine an artificial vagina, sex toy, or other device that was more sexually stimulating to you than a diaper?

N=1471 % Option
1 220 15%Yes
2 407 28%Maybe about the same, but not more arousing
3 844 57%No

Part 7 - The Outlook for the Future

Questions # 36-37

36)Do you believe that it is possible to show others, who might not be ABDLs now, how to enjoy diapers or babyhood as much as you do?

N=1469 % Option
1 120 8%Yes
2 72 5%Yes for most people
3 847 58%Yes for some people
4 430 29%No

37)Do you believe that it is possible for you to stop being interested in diapers or babyhood if you wanted to?

N=1465 % Option
1 66 5%Yes
2 247 17%Probably
3 606 41%Probably not
4 546 37%No

Survey #1 part 1 - 2 - joys - 3 - events - 4 - messages - 5 - 6 & 7

Email BitterGrey[mail] Last Update: 4 Dec 2016| First Posted 24 March 2008

Do you have Questions, tips, suggestions, or other feedback?

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