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AB/DL Survey #1 Part 4 Results

Sections: Survey #1 part 1 - 2 - joys - 3 - events - 4 - messages - 5 - 6 & 7

Edit 5 December 2016: These results have been updated per the tenth year standards update.

18)Did you ever seek a "cure" or resist the urges?

N=1469 % Option
1 3 0%Yes, and I am "cured."
2 127 9%Yes, and am still struggling.
3 196 13%Yes, but found that it could not be cured, or that removing it would destroy too much of myself.
4 358 24%Yes, but realized that being an ABDL wasn't a "disease" and so didn't need to be "cured."
5 79 5%Yes, but stopped seeking a cure for other reasons.
6 706 48%No, I never sought a cure and didn't struggle against the urges.

19)Has there been a period of more than six months, where your interest in diapers and babyhood (or BDSM, fetishism, etc.) has caused you significant distress? This might involve concern over your inability to control your interests, anxiety about what else these interests might mean, stress about how it will affect others, etc.

N=1469 % Option
1 969 66%No
2 500 34%Yes

20)Has there been a period of more than six months, where your interest in diapers and babyhood (or BDSM, fetishism, etc.) has impaired you socially or professionally for over six months? This might involve not being able to concentrate at school or work, because of thinking about diapers; shying away from friends because you wanted to wear diapers in private; damage to your marriage or career from being having your secret interests made public; etc.

N=1474 % Option
1 1150 78%No
2 324 22%Yes

21)During your childhood and early teens, were you...

N=1477 % Option
1 266 18%conservatively religious. (for example, regularly attending the church of a fundamentalist or orthodox denomination)
2 355 24%religious, but not conservatively so. (for example, regularly attending the church of more liberal denominations)
3 293 20%spiritual, but not religious
4 563 38%not really spiritual or religious

22)Now, are you...

N=1474 % Option
1 135 9%conservatively religious. (for example, regularly attending the church of a fundamentalist or orthodox denomination)
2 205 14%religious, but not conservatively so. (for example, regularly attending the church of more liberal denominations)
3 563 38%spiritual, but not religious
4 571 39%not really spiritual or religious

Survey #1 part 1 - 2 - joys - 3 - events - 4 - messages - 5 - 6 & 7

Email BitterGrey[mail] Last Update: 4 Dec 2016| First Posted 24 March 2008

Do you have Questions, tips, suggestions, or other feedback?

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