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AB/DL Survey #1 - Joys

Sections: Survey #1 part 1 - 2 - joys - 3 - events - 4 - messages - 5 - 6 & 7

Edit 5 December 2016: These results have been updated per the tenth year standards update.

Survey #1: ABs, DLs, Etc., Question #13

The phrase 'diapers and/or babyhood' was used as a preliminary summary of ABDL interests in the surveys. However, this is far from an exhaustive description. To check the scope of the multiple-choice questions, the survey also included a few optional, fill-in-the-blanks questions. As might be expected when intelligence, creativity, and basic urges are involved, the joys reported were widely diverse. While ABDL interests might sprout from a limited set of sources, they flower in many directions.

It is said that there is no accounting for taste. This is doubly true for this question, which can't be statistically analyzed. Since the fill-in-the-blank questions were optional, those who thought their tastes were ordinary or unremarkable might have been less likely to describe them. In contrast, participants that thought their answers were too personal would not want their answers posted. (There was a checkbox at the end of the survey offering this option.) Even among those who filled in the blank and were willing to have their answers posted, only a non-random sampling is included below. For example, repetitive responces were filtered, and clear responses were included in favor of similar but ambiguous ones. The sampling below gives a broader picture of the scope of participants' interests, but it can't be analyzed statistically. No conclusions should be based on the number or frequency of answers.

For readability, the answers below have been artificially grouped into categories. Often, answers would fit into more than one category. Care was taken to preserve the diversity of the original responces. Collectively, the participants put considerable time and care into their answers. The level of success that the first survey enjoyed wouldn't have been possible without their efforts.



Daddies, Etc.




Mommies, Etc.



Wetting and Messing

Survey #1 part 1 - 2 - joys - 3 - events - 4 - messages - 5 - 6 & 7

Email BitterGrey[mail] Last Update: 4 Dec 2016| First Posted 15 May 2008

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