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AB/DL Survey #2 Part 3 Results

Sections: Part 0 - 1 - 2 - Interests - 3 - Conditions - 4 - Changes - 5 - Fantasy Diapers

Edit 14 December 2016: These results have been updated per the tenth year standards update.

A number of conditions have become associated with infantilism because of one patient who had both infantilism and that condition. Clearly, this sample size is too small to rule out coincidence. For almost any condition, there is a chance that an AB/DL might have it. The unknown would be whether AB/DLs were any more or less likely to have a certain condition than non AB/DLs.

While more analysis is needed, a quick glance over the results can show that most AB/DLs are without any particular condition. As a result, generalizing that infantilism is a form of one condition on the list would be incorrect. However, one in ten AB/DLs believe a condition on the list caused them to become AB/DLs. Since the list includes incontinence, this isn't surprising.

Have you been diagnosed with...


N=952 % Option
1 21 2% Yes
2 931 98% No

32)Long-term fecal incontinence/uncontrolled soiling?

N=957 % Option
1 42 4% Yes
2 915 96% No

33)Long-term urinary incontinence/uncontrolled wetting?

N=960 % Option
1 113 12% Yes
2 848 88% No

34)...A physical disability other than those above?

N=951 % Option
1 91 10% Yes
2 860 90% No

35)Asperger's Syndrome?

N=897 % Option
1 35 4% Yes
2 862 96% No

36)Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

N=956 % Option
1 167 17% Yes
2 789 83% No


N=954 % Option
1 17 2% Yes
2 937 98% No

38)...A developmental disorder other than the three above?

N=943 % Option
1 61 7% Yes
2 882 93% No

39)Bipolar Disorder?

N=963 % Option
1 71 7% Yes
2 892 93% No

40)Borderline Personality Disorder?

N=949 % Option
1 38 4% Yes
2 911 96% No

41)Dissociative Identity Disorder/multiple personalities?

N=944 % Option
1 17 2% Yes
2 927 98% No

42)Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

N=952 % Option
1 75 8% Yes
2 877 92% No

43)...Another psychiatric disorder, excluding depression and developmental disorders?

N955 % Option
1 84 9%
2 871 91% No

44)I think it is most likely that...

N=980 % Option
1 445 45% ..none of the above conditions was involved with my becoming an AB/DL.
2 94 10% ..one or more of the above caused me to become an AB/DL.
3 23 2% ..being an AB/DL caused one or more of the above conditions.
4 12 1% ..my being an AB/DL was the result of one or more of the above conditions, but also caused one or more of the above conditions.
5 36 4% ..one or more of the above conditions and my being an AB/DL was caused by some other common factor.
6 370 38% ..I haven't been diagnosed with another condition.

45)Have you been diagnosed with clinical depression?

N=973 % Option
1 204 21% Yes
2 769 79% No

46)How have the conditions above affected or been affected by your being an AB/DL? Do you have a relevant condition that isn't listed above?

47)Are you left-handed or ambidextrous?Ambidextrous people have equal skill in both hands.

N=946 % Option
1 230 24% Yes
2 716 76% No

Part 0 - 1 - 2 - Interests - 3 - Conditions - 4 - Changes - 5 - Fantasy Diapers

Email BitterGrey[mail] Last Update: 14 Dec 2016| First Posted 20 July 2009

Do you have Questions, tips, suggestions, or other feedback?

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