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AB/DL Survey #2 Part 0 Results

Sections: Part 0 - 1 - 2 - Interests - 3 - Conditions - 4 - Changes - 5 - Fantasy Diapers

Edit 14 December 2016: These results have been updated per the tenth year standards update.

Part zero of the survey covered some basics, such as the optional nickname (Q1) and email address (Q2), as well as information that would be used to interpret the rest of the survey results.

Edit 15 May 2019: Responses to Q1 and Q2, initially kept confidential, were later deleted to fully anonymize the results.

3)Do you consider yourself to be:

N=991 % Option
1 184 19% Diaper Lover (DL) only (loves diapers, but no roleplay)
2 316 32% mostly DL but sometimes AB
3 201 20% AB+DL equally
4 119 12% mostly AB but sometimes DL
5 109 11% Adult Baby (AB) only (loves roleplay, generally including diapers)
6 5 1% non-AB/DL ageplayer
7 4 0% non-AB/DL BDSM enthusiast
8 53 5% Other

A number of participants that selected 'other' filled in the blank. Commonly, these responses inserted extra aspects, including but not limited to incontinence, caregiving, furriness, and tantric meditation. Some of these aspects were covered later in the survey. For example, Part two explored masochism and furriness, and incontinence was the subject of Q32 and Q33, in part three.

Responses for "other" included:

To respond to comment about lenses; a particular focus in surveys is inescapable. Due to length, not every possible question could be included. Selecting the questions that are expected to be the most informative involves some assumptions. This selection then affects the information available for statistical analysis. Fill-in-the-blank opportunities give the participants a direct voice. Thanks for speaking up.

4)Are you...(Please only include gender preference as an adult. Gender preference when roleplaying as a baby or child will be explored later.)

N=996 % Option
1 836 84% Male
2 88 9% Female
3 24 2% Male Transvestite (dresses as an adult woman)
4 29 3% Male to Female Transsexual
5 2 0% Female Transvestite (dresses as an adult man)
6 6 1% Female to Male Transsexual
7 11 1% Other

Responses for "other" included:

5)What is your sexual orientation?

N=994 % Option
1 500 50% Heterosexual
2 153 15% Between Heterosexual and Bi, or Bi leaning toward heterosexual
3 97 10% Bisexual
4 66 7% Between Homosexual and Bi, or Bi learning toward homosexual
5 132 13% Homosexual
6 46 5% Solo: Even if I could have my choice of partners, I'd not do it or do it alone.

6)In what year were you born?

N=997 % Option
1 0% 1925 - 1929
1 0% 1930 - 1934
6 1% 1935 - 1939
11 1% 1940 - 1944
32 3% 1945 - 1949
64 6% 1950 - 1954
78 8% 1955 - 1959
71 7% 1960 - 1964
73 7% 1965 - 1969
82 8% 1970 - 1974
111 11% 1975 - 1979
166 17% 1980 - 1984
283 28% 1985 - 1989
18 2% 1990 - 1994

Part 0 - 1 - 2 - Interests - 3 - Conditions - 4 - Changes - 5 - Fantasy Diapers

Email BitterGrey[mail] Last Update: 15 May 2019| First Posted 20 July 2009

Do you have Questions, tips, suggestions, or other feedback?

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. For online material based on this work, include a link to either this page, the AB/DL Surveys Project index, or the website's main index. For printed material based on this work, include a citation with one of those three URLs.