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Adult Babies and "Rejuveniles"

By BitterGrey


People in increasing numbers aren't afraid of looking childish. They have been described with neologisms such as "kidults," "adultescents," (cases of) "peterpandemonium," "rejuveniles," etc. Some of these terms have specific demographic or marketing derivations. Others are more flexibly defined. Basically, grown-ups not acting "grown up."

Stuffed Animals and Cartoons

One book on this trend is Christopher Noxon's "Rejuvenile," which is based on an article he wrote for the New York times, "I Don't Want to Grow Up." On page 4, the book defines rejuveniles as "...people who cultivate tastes and mindsets traditionally associated with those younger than themselves." A more relevant description is on page 7; those who "enjoy reaching back into childhood without being treated like a baby or being stripped of the ability to make their own decisions."

Clearly, this trend is convenient for Adult Babies (ABs). Mainstream culture is now more accepting of adults who enjoy stuffed animals and cartoons.

Buried near the back of the book, on page 244, adult babies are mentioned briefly. The note includes adult babies and furries in the "furthest points of the rejuvenile universe." Adult babies were described as "grown-ups who derive sexual pleasure from being swaddled in jumbo-sized diapers." This description is closer to that of Diaper Lovers (DLs). It would have been more correct to say that adult babies sometimes enjoy wearing, and sometimes using, diapers. The presence of sexuality variesSTATS among ABDLs, and that most consider the feel, sight, and or smell of the diapers as more important than sexuality in ABDL games, scenes, and fantasies STATS. The sexual aspects of furry fandom were similarly emphasized in the book.

This section parallels an entry on Christopher Noxon's blog.


Adult babies and rejuveniles clearly differ, but given how loosely they are defined, they could easily overlap. Adult babies might be a marginalized minority, far from the mainstream. Alternatively, they might be a mechanically different population, whose interests are rooted in a different set of causes. Either way, the groups differ. They differ in their specific interests, how they are viewed by society, how they view themselves, and in their demographics.

One of the clearest differences is the interest in diapers. Except for that section on adult babies and furries, the book discusses childhood activities exclusively; things that a child or teen would be open about doing, things that a parent would openly do with a child. Wearing diapers wouldn't fall into this category.

The tame, not-that-far-from-usual interests of most rejuveniles permit a measure of social acceptance. Some of the rejuveniles interviewed for the book experienced teasing, but they weren't stigmatized as adult babies tend to be.

The rejuvenile's self-acceptance might be a reflection of this social acceptance. The book was without references to rejuveniles who were struggling against some rejuvenile impulse, trying to get "cured," or seeking professional help. In contrast, struggles for self-acceptance are common among older adult babies. About half of all ABDLs have gone through a period where they struggled against their urges STATS. There has been a recent trend for ABDLs to view their desires positively, but this might be more the result of the sexual revolution and the Internet. Diapers, and struggles either against desires or for acceptance, are common among adult babies, but not rejuveniles.

A final difference is the sex ratio. The rejuveniles in the book seemed to about as likely to be women as men. This is in contrast to ABDLs, who are mostly maleSTATS. This contrast was mentioned in the blog entry, but not the book.

In the end, it might be best to say that adult babies can be grouped as rejuveniles, but that it doesn't mean much. Adult babies might share or develop rejuvenile interests. However, rejuveniles won't tend to become adult babies. Adult babies have a rare, deep desire towards diapers or babyhood. Rejuveniles embody a popular trend towards retaining or rediscovering childhood interests.

- Updated:8 April 2011  1st:17 April 2009     

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