As content matures from definition, to article section, to article, to sub-index, the connections should be updated accordingly. Links leading to just a definition or survey statistic should be marked with an icon, as detailed below.
Links that lead to a definition, not a page section or more extensive information, should only have the DEF tag linked. eg: Some ABDLs simulate the feel of a messy diaper by using bananas or oatmeal in a practice called diaper stuffingDEF.
eg: Only one ABDL in ten wears diapers but does not enjoy urinating in them.
eg: Surprisingly, an ABDL who is equally adult baby and diaper lover is more likely to be interested in messing than one who is only an adult baby.[2]
eg: There are also email-based groups, such as Big Babies, Infantilists, and Friends (BBIF), which also has some regional chapters.
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