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Understanding Infantilism (.org)


WARNING: Abusing laxatives, like any other drug or suppliment, may be hazardous.

For an AB/DL, one allusive aspect of diapers is the loss of control, incontinence. For most, behaviorally or hypnotically undoing our potty-training is impractical. There are methods to regain control of an overtrained bladder but this wouldn't give the illusion of a lack of control. To try to simulate incontinence, AB/DLs might try chemical, hypnotic, or mechanical means. These methods all have their drawbacks. Mechanical means, such as catheters, have medical risks such as infection, and logistic hurdles, such as sizing. Hypnosis might require practice and training, and even them might not fully remove control.

This leaves chemical means. While the AB/DL community has a rich mythology of chemical approaches to urinary incontinence, many of these are approaches are mere myth. In contrast, chemical approaches to fecal incontinence are well-established and widely available: Laxatives.

Selecting the Right Laxative

Laxatives cause urgent, possibly uncontrollable, bowel movements. It is easier to cause involuntary messing than wetting for two reasons. First, the bowels have only one sphincter that has to be much more flexible than the urethra's two sphincters. Second, the bowels handle everything that the body doesn't absorb. Over-the-counter laxatives are available at most drug stores, and for some people, even soda will do. Of course, each type has it's advantages and disadvantages. To simplify the discussion, let's divide them into four groups by the mechanism that they use.

Dietary Fiber/Bulk-Forming Laxatives

Examples: Bran, Ispaghula husk, Methylcellulose, Sterculia, Prunes, Bananas

These laxatives increases the size and liquidity of the bowel movement. These are good for long-term use, but might not produce a sudden or irresistible urge. Bulk-forming laxatives are great for general health, and may reduce the risk of colon cancer. However, they aren't much fun.

Bananas don't cause a strong urge, but when inserted rectally, can be be passed while still smelling somewhat like bananas. This avoids some of the odor associated with messing.

Stimulant/ Irritant Laxatives

Examples: Senna, Sodium picosulfate, Castor oil, Bisacodyl, Cascara, Docusate, Dantron, Docusate sodium

These laxatives irritate the bowel or increase the bowel's sensitivity. They can produce a strong urge, and possibly cramping, after about 5-12 hours. The initial firm movement may be followed by runny movements (so wear plastic pants.) Drink plenty of water when using these laxatives. Long-term use may cause a dependence on them.

Chlorophyll might also act as an irritant laxative. However, the body will adapt to chlorophyll, so regular use will not result in a laxative effect. The laxative effect would precede the odor-neutralizing effect of the chlorophyll.

Possibly the most famous is stimulant laxative is castor oil, often appearing in old cartoons and TV. It is a clear, viscous liquid a little like peanut oil, but with an ominous aura that lingers on the palette. One can just feel it slowly worming it's way through the digestive tract, slithering through from end to the other. In less civilized times, it was use to lubricate gears, and as a punishment for cranky children. Most stores still keep this vile substance on the shelves in small bottles.

In modern times, Senna is much more common. It is a herbal laxative that is quite businesslike. It comes in brown, leafy pills as generic Senna; and small, sweet pills as "Ex-Lax®." The pills take effect after several hours and produce multiple, soft movements. These movements are urgent, but can be fought for a short time. Depending on the dosage, there can be some cramping.


Examples: Magnesium salts, Glycerol (Glycerin) suppositories, Lactitol, Lactulose, Macrogols, Artificial Marshmallow

These laxatives prevent the extraction of water from feces, and may draw more water into the bowels. They literally flush out the system. They may produce runny stools, so wear plastic pants. The salt-based (saline) laxatives may take effect in as little as one hour. The sugar-based (lactulose) work more slowly. Drink plenty of water. In some, soda can act as an osmotic laxative.

Magnesium citrate is available in single-dose bottles. The solution tastes salty, as would be expected. Other than that, it could be mistaken for cherry cola. (It is a good idea to get some soda while you are at the drug store, and drink it with the magnesium citrate. This will prevent dehydration. It is sometimes available in flavors other than cherry.) This worked well on evening outings, because the fast acting laxative could be taken that evening, instead of the previous morning. However, there was still enough time for uncertainty to build up.

Faster still are glycerin suppositories. They are direct, quick, and efficient, but need to be inserted rectally and are too controlled. They act in around fifteen minutes so there is little uncertainty, the lack of uncertainty provides some control over when and where they will take effect. This control may be counterproductive.

While natural marshmallow is said to be a mild laxative, most over-the-counter marshmallows don't contain any natural marshmallow: They are mainly starches, sugars, and gelatin. However, they are an effective laxative when taken rectally. Except for the difficulty of insertion, the experience is similar to that caused by Glycerin suppositories. This is arguably the healthiest way to consume artificial marshmallow.

Suppositories and marshmallows have the drawback of needing to be taken rectally. This might not require the diaper to be removed, but generally can't be discretely done in a public place.


Examples: Mineral Oil, Flaxseed oil, Olive oil)

These lubricate the rectum, increasing urgency while reducing one's ability to resist.


Of course, it usually isn't enough just to load up on laxatives. Some other preparations are needed.

First, you'll need to start using Chlorophyll or Nullo for a number of days before. These will help to keep the smell down if you are in doors. They are also mild laxatives themselves. As the sound can't be concealed reliably, being in a crowded but quiet place is not recommended.

Rectally inserting bananas or marshmallows might be difficult at first. Lubrication will help. Inserting a finger or two might help the anus relax a little. Peel the bananas first. Firmer bananas are easier to insert, but aren't as mushy coming out.

Next, you'll need plastic pants. The guards on many disposables can't reliably keep all the stool in, so you will need to wear plastic pants over them. Keep these on unless you can get them and the diaper off before the urge hits. Being halfway diapered when laxatives kick in can be messy. Some good disposables have wide crotches and standing leak guards, which might be safe enough without plastic pants. Over these, you'll want pants or shorts with lots of room to expand downwards, without being obtrusive. Skirts or dresses would work better, at least as far as providing space goes.

...Ongoing Research

It might be possible to use laxatives in combination. Stimulant laxatives alone may give rise to a sequence of movements that become increasingly runny. Bulk laxatives don't cause runny stools, but are too gentle to cause accidents. Perhaps chlorophyll and bulk laxatives might be used to coincide with a smaller dose of a stimulant laxative to give a firm, single, irresistible bowel movement.

From a controls standpoint, the chlorophyll and bulk laxatives would need to be started a few days in advance. The unknowns include the kind and dosage of stimulant laxative that will give the best results. Assuming, of course, that the effects of the three laxatives on continence are cumulative.

- Updated:20 March 2011  1st:23 Aug 2003     

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