> Etc. >
Seeking Understanding - ASFD 1 Aug. 1995
By BitterGrey
There is a first time for everyone. The following is my introductory post to the usenet group alt.sex.fetish. diapers.
...I would like to change the world, but first I would like to understand
I have been notably on the
-vestic/masochistic end of infantilism for as long as I can remember.
I found out this January that I am not alone. However, to make things
more complex and am also active in a (straight) church, which does
not openly acknowledge any divisions other than Straight-And-Narrow/
vanilla and Hell-Bound Pervert. These HBPs are expected to, if they
can't "straighten up," to abstain from any sexual activity, ever.
They would never ask a SAN to do the same, nor do they think most
SANs are able to (it is a Protestant church).
As a result, I am in two closets at once. In one closet I hide
my interest ind diapers from the Christians, who would not understand.
In the other, I was hiding my religion from a.s.f.d., hoping
futility that the two can be peacefully isolated. This is my
coming out. I am a virgin/solo (I change myself) and so am at a
clear disadvantage in social/sexual matters. With the help of
a.s.f.d, I hope to understand this side of myself, and so become
ready to explain it to the Christians.
I am mostly a self-taught Christian, and so am used to working
without a net. In the end, I hope to generate a brief text that
will explain...
- ways to avoid misusing the Hebraic Law - most of those verses
about sexual sin come from a law code that also forbids pork
products and poly/cotton blends.
- what the SANs call "perversion" is, in a broad and usable sense.
- what provisions should be made for the non-SAN in SAN churches.
(right now, non-SANs are forced to conceal themselves, as I have done,
until finally driven out because no one understand, because no
non-SAN has come forward and told them.)
- what should be expected from non-SANs in return
What I would like are...
- a.s.f.d reader's experiences with the church
- a copy of the a.s.f.d FAQ.
- lists of things you want the church to know about you,
lists of things you want to know about Christianity
What I can give is...
- personal accounts of being/becoming infantilistic or Christian
- copies of my
statement of faith and beliefs (it is weighted
toward technical types with Biblical background and so can
be rather tedious, but can't be beat for a well-defended,
systematic overview)
- methods of outversing ignorant Christains that quote a Law which
they personally have never read (this is fun, but some have
ignorance like a brick wall- you just can't reach them)
In closing, I may be a filthy Christian asshole, but I want to change
my world, and I will start by first understanding myself.
B. "Terry" Grey a.k.a "BitterGrey"
Do you have
Questions, tips, suggestions, or other feedback?