> ABDL History >
Adult Babies on Television
Television, while still a major source of opinion and information for much of the civilized world, is limited in what it can provide. Like any broadcast media, it needs to attract and appeal to a broad audience. This limitation particularly affects minorities, such as the Adult Babies and/or Diaper lovers (ABDLs). Television has increased the visibility of the ABDLs, but has created or perpetuated some negative stereotypes.
News programs tend to be the most negative. Wearing diapers, playing with stuffed animals, etc. isn't newsworthy, so the vast majority of ABDLs don't make it onto the news. Of course, every population has its bad apples. In addition to these, ABDLs sometimes need to live with the fallout from diaper-related news caused by non-ABDLs. For example, Lisa Nowak's diaper use was probably a mere practicality: Among astronauts, using MAGs (Maximum Absorbency Garments) is just part of the job. The danger here is that brief sound-bytes, expounded upon by late-night comedians, might start to seem substantial.
More substantial, at least in the time allotted to specific ABDL characters, are scripted shows such as CSI. CSI's "King Baby" devoted a full hour-long episode to the death of an adult baby. This permitted time to explore his nursery, diaper use, etc. Characters who are diaper lovers (DLs) have also appeared on TV shows, but DL activities require more careful editing for television.
Appearances on unscripted shows have been largely limited to talk shows. The producers of these shows know that bizarre and explicit visuals attracts viewers. As a result, adult babies have become a favorite topic, because most adult baby activities can be shown on TV. However, with these shows it is hard to tell what is fictional or staged. The guest might be a paid actor, or a real ABDL who was contractually bound to follow stage direction - including wardrobe selection. To try to preserve an illusion of realism, these realities aren't shared with the audience.
Overall, the ABDL community has benefited from the increased visibility, at the cost of reinforcing negative marginalization. The core aspect of being an adult baby - a desire to wear diapers and act like a baby - are conveyed to the general population. Some adult babies and diaper lovers found out they weren't alone through TV shows. However, this core aspect is sensationalized, usually with negative details. Clearly, not all ABDLs are white-trash millionaire Las Vegas kingpins in affairs with Octomoms whose unknowing wives are waiting backstage while as they reveal all after driving across country to kidnap astronaut rivals for their boyfriends' affections while serving in the US Senate. Most people know they can't believe everything they see on TV. The basic facts are that ABDLs are ordinary except for their desires for diapers and/or babyhood, and that ordinary people generally don't get on TV.
Notable TV Shows
Phil Donahue, aired November 1991 on NBC: This episode's guests included four adult babies, a professional mommy, and a sexologist. In addition to having an extensively decorated stage, the information exchanged showed that the host and all guests had put some thought in to the topic. The comments from the audience ranged from "God will punish you" to "how do I become a professional mommy?"
- Jerry Springer, aired or re-aired 12 October 1992: This episode included three ABDLs, one pro dom, two doctors, and an almost circus-like atmosphere.
- Montel Williams, aired 23 February 1992
- Dr. Dean Edel, aired September 1992: This was one of the more formal talk shows, with guests appearing in sport coats, slacks, and ties. One episode had Tommy of DPF as a guest, along with a couple who practiced mummification, and Dr. Jackie Davidson. The episode was clearly planned under the assumption that infantilism followed the male-dominant/female-submissive trend of BDSM. As a result, the opening videos show Tommy acting as a daddy to "Michelle." "Michelle" did not join him on stage. The audience was relatively open-minded.
- Jerry Springer, "Adult Babies" aired 1998: "...this seems unsettling and totally repugnant..." Jerry Springer offered as a final thought "...what is needed here is counseling, not diapers." In spite of this judgment, Jerry Springer would host multiple other adult baby segments. A "baby man" would also be included in "Jerry Springer: The Opera."
- Jerry Springer, "Sexy Stories" aired 11 July 2001 and "Freaky Fetishes II," 12 November 2001: This pair of episodes feature two love triangles, both involving an "adult baby" with no durable props, an encouraging caregiver, and an unknowing significant other waiting back stage. The level of coincidence and the lack of paraphernalia strain credibility.
- ER "Dead Again" aired 3 October 2002: Even though the adult baby only makes a one-minute roll-on appearance in this episode, it still has an American Journal of Psychiatry article titled for it: "In a recent episode of the hit television series ER, a fully grown man dressed in a diaper was pushed down the hallway of the emergency room on a gurney. A psychiatric resident walked beside the gurney, wielding a copy of the Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. He explained to the perplexed attending physician that the patient has adult baby syndrome. In reality, even though this syndrome, also called infantilism, has made it onto network television, it is not yet included in psychiatric textbooks. Perhaps the reason that it has not found much of a home in our psychiatric literature is that most people who fit this profile do not consider themselves patients."[1]
- The Graham Norton Effect (episode 10), aired 26 August 2004 on Comedy Central: A summer Olympics parody that involved dressing as an adult baby and posting to Dailydiapers.com.
- CSI, "King Baby", Season 5, Episode 15, aired 17 February 2005: The CSI team deals with a DOA adult baby. While artfully uncovering the cause of his death, they wander his nursery and speculate about why he was an ABDL.
- SexTV "Submerged Beauty/Molly Crabapple/Adult Baby Nursery," Season 9 Episode 16, aired 31 March 2007: This episode shows video and pictures from Polly Borland's book "The Babies", with voice-overs alternatively by Katherine Gates, adult baby nurse "Leila," and Dr. Tracie O'keefe. A few ABs are shown, but only "Baby Cathy" is introduced. Leila's assertion that there is no sex involved is included, partially balancing the other narrators who discuss it as a fetish.
- Jerry Springer, "Invasion of the Little People 17 1/2" aired 21 July 2007: A midget wearing shorts under his diaper squares off against, among others, Oprah Winfrey.
- "1000 Ways to Die: Fatal Distractions; Crib Your Enthusiasm" Season 3 Episode 29, aired 5 Oct 2010 on SpikeTV: Among the fictitious man who died by an MSG-induced heart attack, the fictitious woman electrocuted after mistaking a taser for a vibrator, and the fictitious man killed by the endangered turtle that a bald eagle dropped on him, there was a tasteless and graphic segment on a fictitious adult baby killed by his drop-side crib. The truth is that multiple infants have been killed by drop-side cribs. These cribs were designed for one-handed operation and so used a less secure mechanism than the positive latches that adult baby cribs typically use. The writers substituted an adult baby for a real one, possibly because they thought this show's viewer base would enjoy watching an adult baby die more than watching a real baby die.
Dr. Phil, "Unusual Syndromes and Fears" aired 9 March 2012. This show documents major progress towards the normalization of ABDLs, and was one of the more balanced representations, although not fully positive.
15 Stone Babies aired 13 Dec 2012 on England's channel 4. This well-balanced documentary interviews a British couple hosting an adult baby nursery in their home, an American couple dealing with differing interests in ageplay, a few other adult babies, and a seamstress who's company played a unique part the history of the ABDL community.
Other Notable Shows
- Trisha Goddard
- Sin City: The show's host visits a dungeon, where he tries out a bonnet, wears and wets a diaper, etc. He neglects the paraphilic roots of the interest and engages it merely as a kink. However superficial, it is a non-judgmental exploration. He makes speaking clearly with around a pacifier look easy.(On Youtube.com)

- Sexcetera by PlayboyTV: One episode features "Baby Tim", professional mommy "Mistress Shawna," and "babysitter" "Candy." While a sandbox and Tonka truck collection was mentioned briefly, this show heavily emphasized sexual aspects. It included video of "baby's first blowjob" given by "Candy." "Candy" is shown topless or nude, never with a shirt.
- British Sex "Adult Babies and Sissyboys", aired on Sky1: This episode takes the audience through a dress-up house party put on by an adult baby and a non-ABDL sissy. A wide mix of other interests are bundled in, including spanking and maid training. Two changing scenes are carefully censored.
(On Youtube.com)
- The Shirley Show
- Updated:5 May 2013 1st:5 May 2013
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Books and Other References:- Pate J.E., Gabbard G.O. (2003).
Adult baby syndrome Am J Psychiatry 160:1932?1936